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What's Included

"The KIT" is a set of diverse tools based on the science of Social Emotional Learning. 


This tool kit was designed to serve the mind, bodies and souls of underprivileged youth breaking boundaries, barriers and rewriting the cycle of generational trauma allowing them to build meaningful relationships, the ability to maintain stress and fulfill a purposeful life. The KIT plans to impact over 15,000 marginalized black and brown youth, Title 1 schools and underserved communities with: 





The Tools

"The KIT" includes 3 key tools...

1. Digital and Print Media in the form of color books, SEL materials,  posters and other reading materials with illustrations that provide representation across all ethnic demographics.


2. Diverse Curriculum fostering brown and black experiences with courses that enable youth to gain an understanding of what it is to possess emotional intelligence, build meaningful and positive working relationships, be spiritually aware and foster mindfulness activities in their daily lives as a means to cope with stress.


3. We aim to provide districts, teachers and communities with Mindfulness Training and diverse social emotional learning curriculum used in classrooms, professional developments and organizational team building sessions.


Interested in acquiring our curriculum & materials? Contact us to schedule a meeting.

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